When it comes to staging a home for potential buyers, the best practice is to keep the interior design timeless and relevant to a range of consumers. There are times, though, when introducing the latest interior design trends can work in your favor. Here are three trends to consider for staging that appeal to a broad audience.

Neutral Palette

While a splash of color can add interest to a room, the best approach is to use a neutral palette. Fortunately, this is also a new trend in interior design. Neutral colors provide home buyers with an almost blank slate from which to work and envision their own touches to a space. If you do want to add color, keep it more on the muted side.

Keep It Open

Gone are the days of boxed-in rooms and separate spaces. Potential home buyers want to feel a sense of freedom and openness in their personal spaces. The appeal of open spaces is that the layout encourages interaction and allows for more open communication, which is ideal for families and buyers who want to entertain. Open spaces are not limited to the structure of the home, but also how you use furniture for staging. Keep it simple, and leave room in each space. If you are staging a home with a closed-in design, get creative with furniture that combines storage and comfort. When you show the home, open the curtains to allow natural light to flood the space. You’ll also want to consider the outdoor spaces, as more home buyers are looking to spend more time outdoors entertaining and relaxing.

Be Thoughtful

When choosing home accessories for your staging, look for unique pieces rather than run-of-the-mill. Add interest by contrasting modern pieces with vintage, but always keep it simple. Accessories that never go out of style are throw pillows with patterned designs, fresh flowers, and sophisticated artwork. Also use area rugs throughout the home to define spaces and ground the room. The rugs can be solid neutral colors, or you can use a rug with design details and keep your throw pillows simpler. The key to staging is that you want the space to appeal to buyer aesthetics, yet maintain a sense that this is home for them.