Most people understand that creating a property listing that grabs buyers’ attention starts with a sizzling headline and leads into a compelling opening statement. However, getting to that point may take a little more guidance. This guide can help you write a listing that will lead to more buyers showing interest in your home.

Write a Headline That Sells

Buyers will scan the headlines for each listing until they see something that grabs their attention, so it’s important to sell the sizzle. Your headline should pin down the home’s location to attract buyers looking specifically for homes in your area. It should also highlight a few of the home’s most desirable features. For example, try something like “2BR/2BA southside home with an outdoor hot tub” to increase buyer interest.

Don’t Clutter the Listing

As you write the actual listing, avoid cluttering it with too many adjectives. If your writing is too flowery, it can seem as though you’re trying to hide details about the home. For instance, almost all buyers translate the word “cozy” as meaning the house is small and confining. Choosing the right adjectives and using them sparingly can help you create a listing that will bring more buyers to your home. Other words to avoid include TLC, cosmetic repairs, and fixer-upper.

Include Unique Home Features

Your headline should be short, so you’ll only have enough room to mention one or two features of the home briefly. In the listing, you can discuss those features in a little more detail and share the home’s unique features. Buyers are looking for something special, so pointing out the embedded bookcase, day room, or enclosed balcony can help your listing get more attention.

Read Your Listing Before Publishing

As you proofread your listing, pay close attention to punctuation, grammar, and spelling. You’ll want to ensure your home listing is legible to provide the essential features mentioned in the listing to get the attention they deserve. Otherwise, an excellent listing can get bogged down by run-on sentences that are difficult to read.

Finally, don’t forget to include a few pictures with the listing. An average of five photos that show the main selling points of the home are usually enough to entice buyers, although more photos can be included. Failing to post pictures can sabotage any efforts you’re making to write a stellar property listing.