In today’s economy, everyone should be aiming toward living in a more energy-efficient home. It should be one that utilizes less energy but provides the same results, if not for the sake of reducing one’s carbon footprint and helping the environment but for countless other financial and personal benefits. You may be surprised at just how immense of an impact a tiny alteration can achieve and how simple it can be to incorporate. Many people have already made these changes and continue to reap remarkable rewards.

Although the list is long, some of the benefits an energy-efficient home provides include:

  • Significant decreases in utility bills
  • Possible tax rebates and other offers
  • Significant increases in the home’s market value and desirability among potential buyers 
  • Boosting the economy
  • Improved quality of life


Light Bulbs
Probably the easiest and most immediate action, replacing your regular light bulbs with LED (light-emitting diode) or compact fluorescent bulbs, will lower your electricity costs substantially.

Location and Climate
If you have not yet chosen a home, consider important factors like location, weather, climate, altitude, landscaping, local energy issues and concerns, and other factors relative to your energy goals. These will impact your usage of heat, air conditioning, insulation, and more.

Building Materials
Efficient building materials, such as bamboo, concrete, recycled steel, and proper insulation (like non-fiberglass spray foam) are only a few of the ways the construction of your home can reduce your average expenses. Also, be sure that all doors, windows, attic and basement spaces, walls, and closets are properly sealed, and eco-friendly exterior paint can increase your savings even further.

Solar Power
Data proves that solar panels, while they can be pricey to install, cut costs phenomenally over time.

Energy-efficient refrigerators, ovens, microwaves, and other appliances, like those made by Energy Star, smart TVs, and even entire smart home systems are becoming easier to both find and afford. Avoiding space heaters altogether or absolutely ensuring their proper use are wise decisions as well.

Water Use and Other Routines
Data from the EPA reveals that households with EPA-approved WaterSense faucets, showerheads, and other fixtures can save over 2,700 gallons of water and approximately $380 each year. Maintaining a lower thermostat temperature is another excellent cost-cutting method, and decreasing it by just 3-5 degrees can decrease your monthly bill incredibly.

Ultimately, structuring your home and life according to this philosophy is practical, profitable, healthy, beneficial to the planet, and positive all around.