When buying a new home, there are few things that one needs to know to make an informed financial decision. Purchasing a new home or property, whether residential or commercial, can be a hysterical process. Moreso, if interest rates are on the rise. Changes in...
People always want the best returns for their money. Many have found real estate to be the ideal investment class. Fortunately, the US government allows a tax-advantaged account to invest in this asset. The self-directed IRA (otherwise known as the SD-IRA) was...
This past year presented numerous challenges to the real estate industry. As we look ahead toward 2021, preparing for emerging trends can help real estate professionals plan for the new year and take advantage of market developments. The Return of Seasonality With...
Commercial real estate (CRE) includes property intended for business purposes. For business owners, investing in CRE affords them space to operate their enterprises. For investors, CRE encompasses space they can lease to other businesses. Some of the major categories...
There are several steps involved when it comes to real estate investing, so you shouldn’t trick yourself into thinking it’s something you can jump right into without preparation. This type of investing requires the same level of research and planning that...
Most people understand that creating a property listing that grabs buyers’ attention starts with a sizzling headline and leads into a compelling opening statement. However, getting to that point may take a little more guidance. This guide can help you write a...