What to Avoid When Flipping a House

If you’re looking to get into house flipping you’ve probably already read all the “How-To” books, googled countless Internet articles, and watched every HGTV show known to man. You know all the things that you should do, but what about things...
The Value of Hard Work in Real Estate Investing

The Value of Hard Work in Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing can be an incredibly challenging industry to break into in a successful way. If you want to make it in the real estate industry, especially when it comes to being a successful investor, you need to put a lot of value in hard work. That means...
How to Hire the Best Employees for Your Real Estate Company

How to Hire the Best Employees for Your Real Estate Company

Regardless of what kind of business you have, hiring the best employees can be a challenge. When it comes to employees for your real estate company, you want to ensure that they are the best possible fit. Having the ideal type of employees work for you ensures that...
3 Tips For Choosing The Right Real Estate Investments For You

3 Tips For Choosing The Right Real Estate Investments For You

Choosing the right investment opportunity is somewhat like making any other major decision in your life. What is right for one person is not going to be right for everyone else. In order to find the right opportunity, there are some questions you need to ask yourself...
Competition in Conforming Real Estate Loans

Competition in Conforming Real Estate Loans

Following the real estate crash, there was a time when it was challenging to find financing to fund nearly any real estate project. Before the crash, there were plenty of loans for real estate investment projects, even when those investments were in some cases far out...
Private Equity Real Estate Funds are Facing New Challenges

Private Equity Real Estate Funds are Facing New Challenges

Recently, private equity real estate fund managers have begun to prepare for more pressure in the future. In the past few years, they’ve enjoyed plenty of fundraising opportunities, but it seems as though that trend may change. Record high levels of assets are being...